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The Writing Spiral
Week 1: Introduction to the Writing Spiral
Day 1: Welcome to the Writing Spiral (6:51)
Day 2: What is Your Current Writing Practice?
Day 3: The 8 Learning Spirals for Writing and Life (16:13)
Day 4: Rock Carvings
Day 5: Write Your Spiral
Week 2: Fingerprints (Creativity & Process Spiral)
Day 6: What is Unique About Your Writing Process? (21:43)
Day 7: Time to be Inspired: Writing Actions
Day 8: What is Creativity? (17:01)
Day 9: A Year of Reading to Inspire
Day 10: Creativity in a Jar
Day 11: Rock Carvings
Week 3: Chambered Nautilus (Honesty & Courage Spiral)
Day 12: Write the Truth (8:07)
Day 13: Adventure: Searching for Truth and Courage
Day 14: How Do You Write Who You Are? (18:39)
Day 15: Questions to Use When Working with Literary Models
Day 16: Psychology for Writers
Day 17: Rock Carvings
Week 4: Labyrinth (Solitude & Self-Awareness Spiral)
Day 18: What is a Writer's Solitude? (19:15)
Day 19: Some Ways to Invite Solitude into Your Writing Life
Day 20: How does Moral Development Demonstrate Character and/or Character Change?
Day 21: What is Your Writing Mission? (20:23)
Day 22: Exploring Multiple Intelligences and Relating Them to Your Writing
Day 23: Rock Carvings
Week 5: Galaxies (Community & Connection Spiral) Part 1
Day 24: Invitations to Connect to Community
Day 25: Journey to Publication: Connecting Your Writing to Readers
Day 26: Finding Your Writing Community (16:01)
Day 27: Teaching Writing Improves Your Craft (so here are some tools for you to use in your teaching)
Week 6: Galaxies (Community & Connection Spiral) Part 2
Day 28: Conflict: Danger and Opportunity (22:27)
Day 29: Using Conflict in Writing and in Life: Going Deeper
Day 30: Connect and Create (16:40)
Day 31: Making More Connections within the Creative Process
Day 32: Rock Carvings
Week 7: Da Vinci (Ambition & Audience Spiral)
Day 33: Define Your Writing Dragon
Day 34: Give Your Writing Permission to Sing: Becoming Brave Enough to Put Yourself Out There (17:56)
Day 35: Embracing Vulnerability
Day 36: Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in Character Development
Day 37: Write Like No One is Reading (15:29)
Day 38: Rock Carvings
Week 8: Basket Weaving (Perseverance & Diligence Spiral)
Day 39: How is Your Time Aligned with Your Goals?
Day 40: How Do You Balance Writing and Life? (15:28)
Day 41: Apply the Ideas of Feng Shui to Optimize Your Creativity
Day 42: How to Smash Writer's Block Forever (20:24)
Day 43: Rock Carvings
Week 9: Your Writing Spiral
Day 44: Reflect
Day 45: Research
Day 46: Act
Week 10: Whirlpool (Curiosity & Adventure Spiral)
Day 47: Writing Prompts: What are your questions? Let them lead your writing!
Day 48: The Art of Inquiry (24:54)
Day 49: Opening Up Your Inquiry through Questions
Day 50: Create Your Own Adventure
Day 51: Engage Others through Questions in a Jar
Day 52: Rock Carvings
Week 11: DNA (Love & Energy Spiral)
Day 53: Creativity as a Source of Energy (11:28)
Day 54: Using Revision Frames
Day 55: Living in Metaphor
Day 56: Using Autoethnography to Explore the Self
Day 57: It's Your Writing Spiral Now (12:58)
Day 58: Rock Carvings
Week 12: Your Writing Spiral
Day 59: Celebrate
Day 60: Plan
Day 61: Review
Day 27: Teaching Writing Improves Your Craft (so here are some tools for you to use in your teaching)
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